Feel good with Juveness

June 17, 2021


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Juveness for me, it’s like breathing and feeling good about myself.

Hello, my name is Elisa, I am 35 years old and I want to tell you about my experience with Jueveness.

Six months ago my skin started to fill with “acne” and blemishes; I am a light brunette and I have combination skin on my complexión, I’ve always had acne issues so I try to keep an eye on my diet, exercise, quit smoking and even my beloved brandy. I live with a lot of stress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and in those moments, the first thing that came to my mind was to blame this “demonic” life.

I tried all kinds of products like: clinique, eucerin, bioderma, proactive, garnier, loreal, asepxia, clearasil, biore. I invested in dermatologists, who sent me expensive treatments and my skin was very irritated, sometimes my skin peeled off… and of course fright every time I looked in the mirror and see that it looked worse, of course not to mention that if someone took me a photo it had to be “far away” so that my marks and acne would not be noticed; with the mirror I was really fought to the death.

Your face is the first impression people have of you and looking at myself in the mirror, with my complexion so damaged, was a very hard blow to my self-esteem… I was sorry that people looked at me, I did not know if they were paying attention to me or seeing my pimples… Awful!!….

I finally finished the treatment with the dermatologist 6 months ago and a friend recommended me that I use Juveness products, especially the cream that is natural, she assured me that it would help me a lot with my problema, I thought “it is a natural product and it will not cause me more damage than I already have”, so I started using it. The first week I applied it alternately, I was a little scared since the consistency is a bit oily, the first day I noticed my skin more hydrated, it should be noted that I had never noticed the difference, the following two weeks I eliminated the impurities that I had on my face and my acne began to heal, at the end of the month my skin had cleared up and I had no new ones.

 Now I look better, much better than when I was in my twenties.  I finally got rid of the horrible acne, the purchases of products that have chemicals and the dermatologist bill, my self-esteem has improved and now my spots and acne marks are disappearing, I notice my skin more hydrated, with a healthy appearance. I use the cream day and night, the best! I only invest about $60.00 USD,  the cream lasts 2 months, also I use temazcal soap, which helps me clean my skin very well.

My pace of life remains the same and I no longer restrict my eating so much … now I no longer look at myself in the mirror and struggle with it, now I see a huge smile.


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